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Current research

at Research Platform Neurourbanism.

The Research Platform Neurourbanism is funded by the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) and is intended to provide proof of concept for an inter- and transdisciplinary neuroscience of urban life.

1 | Theory & Framework 

We are rethinking psychological well-being in an urban context. Working together with partners from very different disciplines​n we develop a theoretical framework on the connection between urban density and mental health.

PI: Dr. Joerg Fingerhut
Humboldt University Berlin, Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Research News

2 | Big data analysis

We use existing data from international biobanks to investigate the connection between city life and mental health on a genetic basis.

PI: Prof. Dr. Stephan Ripke
Charité - University Medicine Berlin, Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

3 | Your Emotional City 

In the exploratory citizen science project “Your Emotional City”​ we use a smartphone app to learn more about the connection between the city and the psyche together with citizens. Participants become urban researchers themselves using the innovative Ecological Momentary Assessment method.

PI: Prof. Dr. Mazda Adli
Charité - University Medicine Berlin, Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy & Lilac Clinic Berlin


PI: Dr. Joerg Fingerhut
Humboldt University Berlin, Berlin School of Mind and Brain

4 | Experimental research

Using innovative methods such as VR, AR, mobile EEGs and the TU Brain-Body Lab, we experimentally test how factors in our environment, such as the greening of street sections, affect our cognitive and psychological feelings. 

PI: Prof. Dr. Klaus Grammann

Technical University Berlin

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